People living with dementia can and should be able to live a normal life, the same as anyone else, for as long as they can with the right support and understanding. That means that services, venues, and facilities we all use should be suitable and accessible for people living with dementia.
Influencing policy and development of good practice
Dementia NI members engage with a variety of different organisations throughout Northern Ireland to advise how to make their services, policies, and practices more suitable for people living with dementia.
People with dementia have the right to be consulted about policies, practices, services, and all aspects of life, not just about dementia-specific services.
Tailored Consultations
Dementia NI members play a vital role in influencing how to make communities and neighbourhoods more inclusive for people living with the symptoms of dementia and contribute to societal issues which may affect those who are living with dementia.
Dementia NI members invite organisations including community groups, sports associations, retailers, and various other service providers to consult with them on how to make their services, environments, resources, and venues more appropriate for people living with dementia.
Dementia NI asks that those seeking members' views come with the attitude that they, and the organisation which they represent, desire to make a positive and lasting change in the lives of Dementia NI members, and in the lives of others who live with dementia now and in the future.
Due to the sensitive and confidential nature of our work, Dementia NI must ensure a duty of care to our members, volunteers, and staff, therefore those wishing to engage will be required to agree to follow Dementia NI best practice guidelines and conditions of engagement.
If you're interested in engaging with Dementia NI members, please click this link to complete the Dementia NI Engagement Request Form:
Once completed, email the form to
Our consultations are helpful for anyone whose workplace or organisation wants to engage with people with dementia in a meaningful way. During our consultations, our members work together with organisations to co-produce services that are accessible for people with dementia. Co-production refers to a way of working where organisations work together with people of lived experience reach a collective outcome. This approach to influence and participation allows staff and Dementia NI members to have an equal relationship when designing activities, projects, or services.
Become a member of Dementia NI and join our community today.
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