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Dementia NI has launched its new Member Forum!

The Member Forum, which met for the first time on 25 June 2024, features 10 members who will come together regularly to drive campaigns for change and steer Dementia NI's strategies.

It celebrates a great milestone for us and is an exciting opportunity for our members to continue to have their voices heard and campaign for the changes that matter most to them.

At their first meeting at Ranfurley House in Dungannon, members were keen to get started on the issues they'd like to tackle.

Among the subjects discussed was the ongoing stigma around dementia. Forum Member Steve expressed his thoughts on this issue:

"People are still afraid of the word dementia and then, when they meet us, they are blown away"

Members also discussed the lack of consistency across Health and Social Care Trusts in dementia diagnosis and treatment, and considered how hospital care could be improved.

Following the recent Westminster election, our members look forward to hearing what politicians and their parties have to say about dementia, and how they are going to make it a priority.

Further updates about the Member Forum will be posted here in the coming months! Keep a look-out for more news!

Learn more about how our members campaigned to bring the Herbert Protocol, a initiative which helps people with dementia to stay independent, to NI.

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