Call Dementia NI 028 9693 1555

There is a lot of support available to people affected by dementia, both from the NHS, local authorities and from the community and voluntary sector. These may include dementia navigator services, support groups, befriending, advocacy, and many other forms of support which help you maintain your independence and decrease social isolation. No one should have to go through this journey alone and social interaction is vital in living well with dementia.

It is also very important to be as informed as possible about the journey of dementia and there is quality information available to help with this. This can be found online, in printed formats or by talking to your GP or healthcare professional.

Where to Find Help and Support

  • GP – The GP is not only involved in the diagnosis of dementia, they can also play an important role in the on-going support those affected by the condition require. The GP knows the person with a dementia’s medical history and can help manage conditions that can occur alongside certain forms of dementia eg high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and depression. The GP can also refer into more specialist dementia services and give advice on how to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Consultant – This can be a consultant psychiatrist, geriatrician or neurologist. Consultants may be involved in diagnosing dementia but also in the on-going assessment and support for those affected.
  • Local memory service team – This is a team who specialise in providing a range of support services to people with a dementia and those who support them. These include assessment, diagnosis, and treatment as well as information, education, and support. The members of a memory service team are multidisciplinary and can include a specialist memory nurse, social workers, occupational therapists, and an independent nurse prescriber.
  • Other healthcare professionals – Speech and language therapists, clinical psychologists, dieticians, and physiotherapists can provide vital support for the person with a dementia in helping them communicate and lead a full and independent life for as long as possible. They also provide help and support as the condition progresses to the later stages.
  • Dementia Navigators – These are professionals within each Health and Social Care Trust whose role it is to provide information and support to those affected by a dementia. They will be with the person from the beginning of their journey and provide support throughout the whole experience. They will provide support either in a face to face capacity or over the telephone and will be a vital link person for all those affected by a dementia in the region
  • Wider healthcare – It is important that when someone gets a diagnosis of a dementia, they do not neglect other aspects of their health as this can lead to the symptoms of dementia becoming more pronounced. For this reason, it is important to look at eye care, hearing loss, oral hygiene and care and many other factors which can help a person lead a full and healthy life.

Community and Voluntary Organisations

These organisations can provide great support to all those affected by a dementia. They can provide information in various ways and also run information sessions. They provide some excellent peer support services for people with a dementia and their carers and can be a strong voice for all those affected by a dementia in the region.

Dementia NI
We're a local member-led charity empowering people with dementia to live well and driving positive change in the community. Call 02896 931 555.

Alzheimer’s Society
They fund dementia research, support people living with dementia today and campaign for change.

For support and information, call the Dementia Support Line on 0333 150 3456.

For the Alzheimer's Society NI team, call 028 9066 4100.

Age NI
A charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. They provide companionship, advice and support for older people who need it most. Call 028 9024 5729.

Carers Northern Ireland

They're here to make life better for carers. Call 02890 439 843.

Dementia Navigators

A guide to information and support from the five Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs)

Older people living with dementia and their families often experience difficulty in gaining information about their diagnosis, accessing available services and obtaining advice and support throughout their journey with dementia.

All five of the Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs) in Northern Ireland have a dementia navigator service to help. Their role is to provide information and support – this can be face to face or over the telephone. They will also provide vital signposting to other services to ensure people living with dementia can live as full a life as possible.

The service also plays an important role in working with other agencies to raise awareness of the needs of people living with dementia.

How can I access the support of the dementia navigator?

Referrals will be accepted from you, your family, GP, anyone involved in your care to try to ensure you receive the right support and the most appropriate services to meet your needs.

Contact details for Dementia Navigators in your area are here.

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

View leaflet

Northern Health and Social Care Trust, covering Antrim and Newtownabbey District, Causeway Coast and Glens District, Rathlin, Mid and East Antrim District and Mid Ulster District.

View leaflet

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, covering Lisburn, North Down, Ards and Down.  

Southern Health and Social Care Trust, covering Craigavon, Banbridge, Newry, Mourne, Armagh and Dungannon.

View leaflet

Western Health and Social Care Trust, covering Omagh, Fermanagh, Derry/Londonderry, Limavady and Strabane.

View leaflet

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